søndag, september 03, 2006

Changing to become the same

Finally I finished my assignment. It's not the best thing I've ever written but it'll do. Now I can focuse on more important things like...well life. And yet my education is part of my life. It is what I stand for and try to be...just trying to be a good person. Hmmm...yes that's it. And trying is not at all bad. If just more people tried to be good - or read Nick Hornby "How to be good". Maybe that would change a lot of perspectives on how to be good. Oooh - also one of my favourites is Paul Auster with New York Follies. Now I need some inspiration for some new books because I soon will have the time to read again.
In the meantime I have three examns and I really don't have a clue what it is gonna be like. I feel I have to little time and know to little about the subjects to write anythings smart about it. Hmm...maybe I should spend some time studying instead writing on my blog.....................yes.END

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