onsdag, september 10, 2008

Dreaming of life!

I find it so hard to get out of bed in the morning. It is as if the last couple of weeks has put me right back where I was almost 8 months ago.... I don't wanna wake up in the morning because when I sleep he is with me and the dreams are so real. It is like when you where a kid and all the dreams you had about getting all the toys or candy that you wanted but when you woke up there was just nothing. That feeling of disappoinment combined with sadness and then anger because allowing myself to have so stupid dreams knowing that my feelings are going to be chaotic the next morning...so ambivalent when I don't miss out on the dreams but I don't wanna feel like shit the next day either. It is all very much real to me but at the same time it feels like my life is the nightmare and my dreams should be my life.

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